Adulthood Disorders

Relationships Problems

All relationships and families go through difficult times and experiencing occasional problems and conflict in personal relationships is normal. However, sometimes these problems can become overwhelming. and the failure of a relationship is often a source of great psychological anguish. While there are many different types of problems that can plague a relationship, there are some common issues that many modern couples deal with at one point or another in their relationship, especially if they have been together for a long time like infidelity, jealousy, sexual problems, communication gaps & inability to strike a balance between personal & professional life. Treatment helps the client understand, idntify & analyse the problems in the relationships & find solutions for a happier life.

Worried that your relationships might be at stake?

  1. Have you lost the spark in your relationship like before?
  2. In recent past have you been spending less time with each other ?
  3. Does all your differences in opinion result in fights and arguments?
  4. Have you stopped sharing the same bed with each other?
  5. Do you both talk only when it is required?
  6. You don’t seem to remember when was the last time you got intimate with each other?

Treatments, we provide that can help you:

Couple Counselling

Sex therapy

Family therapy

Psychometric Assessment

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Interpersonal Therapy

Adulthood Disorders

Obsessive – compulsive disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) a disorder characterized by recurrent intrusive or uncontrollable thoughts, causing stress (obsessions) that prompt the performance of rituals in a repetitive manner (compulsions). A person with OCD can have either obsessive thoughts and urges or compulsive, repetitive behaviours, or even both. Typical obsessions involve themes of contamination, dirt, or illness (fearing that one will contract or transmit a disease) and doubts about the performance of certain actions (e.g., a preoccupation that one has neglected to turn off a home appliance). Common compulsive behaviours include repetitive cleaning or washing, checking, ordering, repeating, and hoarding. Compulsions tend to relieve the anxiety, but only for a little while.

While such individuals realise that their seemingly uncontrollable behaviour is irrational, they are unable to stop. Their daily life is affected as simple tasks or chores take the form of insurmountable problems. Relationships with family and friends can often become strained or problematic.

Worried that you / your loved one might have OCD?

  1. Do you ever experience repetitive thoughts that cause you anxiety?
  2. Do you ever fear germs or engage in excessive cleaning?
  3. Are you constantly worried that something bad will happen because you forgot something important, like locking the door or turning off appliances?
  4. Are there things you feel you must do excessively or thoughts you must think repeatedly to feel comfortable or ease anxiety?
  5. Do you experience the need to constantly check on something or arrange things?
  6. Do you wash yourself or things around you excessively?
  7. Do you keep many useless things because you feel that you can’t throw them away?
  8. Do you struggle to control these thoughts or behaviours?
  9. Do you spend at least one hour a day thinking obsessive thoughts or performing these ritual behaviours?

Treatments, we provide that can help you:

Behaviour Therapy

Relaxation Training

Supportive Therapy


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Adulthood Disorders

Substance Abuse

Substance use disorders occur when the recurrent use of alcohol and/or drugs causes clinically and functionally significant impairment, such as health problems, disability, and failure to meet major responsibilities at work, school, or home. As people age, their bodies become less capable of tolerating addictive substances and more susceptible to negative effects. Adults may turn to addictive substances when coping with the stresses of child-rearing, balancing a career with family and managing a household. New risks for addiction and substance abuse may emerge for individuals in middle age who face financial pressures, divorce, the empty nest, personal or family illness, the economic and emotional stresses of caring for ageing parents or the death of a parent or other loved one. These substances not only lead to addition but may also contribute to psychiatric problems like mood disorders, anxiety disorders, sleep disorders and psychosis. Every persons experience with substance use disorder is unique, so our therapist aims to plan treatment that is tailored to individual needs of the client to ensure maxmimum benefit.

Worried that you / your loved one may be suffering from Substance Use Disorder?

  1. Have you ever experienced problems in your life from alcohol/drug use?
  2. Have you ever used more alcohol or drugs than you intended?
  3. Do you get upset when your supply of alcohol or drugs is cut off or used up?
  4. Does it take more alcohol or drugs now to get you high than in the past?
  5. Do you ever justify or rationalize your use of alcohol/drugs?
  6. Do you wish you wouldn’t use alcohol or drugs or felt guilty about it, but do anyway?
  7. Have you ever used alcohol/drugs to the point where someone has disapproved of it?
  8. Do you get irritated when someone wants to discuss your alcohol/drug use?

Treatments, we provide that can help you:

Behaviour Therapy

Supportive therapy

Motivational Enhancement Therapy

