External Events


Career Counselling for 220 students of classes X and XII for Loreto House School was conducted by Team Caring Minds. The students answered psychometric tests on aptitude, interest and personality on the basis of which reports were generated identifying what career areas each individual student might excel in.

External Events


On the 19th of December 2015, a workshop on Stress Management and Soft Skills was conducted for 50 members of Kolkata Police. Officers-in-charge, Inpectors and Sub-Inspectors attended the workshop, which was conducted by Ms. Gargi Dasgupta and Ms. Priya Ray Chaudhuri. The workshop was inaugrated by the Commissioner of police and the Additional Commissioner of Police of Kolkata. Minu Budhia and Preeyam Budhia were also present.

External Events


Intra-Organizational Communication

Caring Minds conducted a Training Program with Ambuja Realty on Intra-Organizational Communication, Assertiveness Training and the Art of Delegation on the 8th of March, 2013.

This training program was developed to educate employees on the concept of Intra-organizational communication. Effective communication, coherent exchanges of communication is the key to an individual’s and an organisation’s success. The workshop was designed to train delegates to understand the importance of communicating clearly and efficiently in their professional lives, and to help them acquire good communication skills.

In the workshop, the delegates were trained on good speaking and listening skills. The workshop was a blend of activities and theory; the focus being on learning through activities. The delegates were a very enthusiastic, open-minded and inquisitive group who participated in the workshop whole-heartedly.

We greatly appreciated the group of Delegates and their openness to experience, candour and lack of rigidity in thinking. This workshop was a grand success due to their willingness to receive all the information and give their view point on the topics discussed freely and openly. The workshop was a highly interactive session, consisting of Role plays, mimicry and Spoofs demonstrated by the Delegates on Communication within the office. On the whole, this Workshop was a grand success.

Facilitators: Devlina Lahiri and Michelle Manuel.

Non Verbal Communication

The importance of non verbal communication in organizational settings was discussed picturesquely. How well we create an impression on the other person is an important facet of our every day organizational dealings.

The discussed nonverbal tenets included the following: Touch- glance – eye contact (gaze) – volume- vocal nuance- intonation – proximity- haptics – gestures – facial expression – pause (silence) – dress- posture – smell – word choice and syntax – sounds (paralanguage)

It is one of the key aspects of communication and some of the discussed importance of nonverbal communication included – repeat the verbal message – to accent a verbal message – complement the verbal message but also may contradict – regulate interactions – substitute for the verbal message, gestures & facial expressions.

As we reiterated the fact that it’s not what we say it’s always how we say it

Facilitator: Tanaya Chatterjee

The Role Of Mood And Personality In Intra-Organizational Communication

How our mood and personality influences our communication with others was explored through a discussion of Transactional Analysis – a theory for personality and communication. The participants acted out scenes where each of the three ego states – Parent, Adult and Child was evoked. The physical and verbal cues that provide insight into one’s current Ego State during interactions were explored through an interactive session with the audience. The participants were able to identify the effectiveness of Complementary and Crossed Transactions. Some strategies to alter the Ego State during interactions were discussed as a means of enhancing the efficacy of daily communication. Adult to Adult Transaction was emphasised as it leads to assertive communication.

Facilitator: Pompi Banerjee

The importance of organisational communication is equally important from the perspective of both verbal , non verbal and mood and personality with which each adult unknowingly passes through and the feedback equally becomes important based on how the recipient is responding to the sender . Assertive behavior or assertiveness is a trait which needs to be developed to understand the environment and to handle critical situations in a smoother way. The assertive communication is a way to learn and implement an uniform , positive influence which promotes an organisational parity among individuals who belong to different strata of the society and have passed through different organisational compliance and where the adaptation to a new surroundings becomes equally very important .

Facilitator: Sangita Sarkar

External Events


This Training Program was conducted for the Officers In-charge from the Police and Security Sector. The topics chosen included:

  1. Team Building
  2. Team Building

Team Building

Team building activities were a great way to help the delegates learn to effectively work with their co-workers. It allowed the officers to get involved in the activities, discuss relevant situations where building a team was necessary. Characteristics of different members in a team were discussed and their importance in the team was highlighted upon. Personality scale was used to understand the strengths of each member.

The following were the learning outcome.

  1. Teams are more important for organizational/business success. Individual success depends on teamwork.
  2. Teamwork is often inadequately defined and/or misunderstoo
  3. Difference between a team and a group. Difference between situational and transformational leadership. Effective teams are defined by their achievements and effective teams realize that good intentions, effort, and behaviors are only important when they contribute to team achievements.

Facilitator: Tanaya Chatterjee

Stress Management and its Effects on Performance at Work

This Training program was designed keeping in mind the various work stressors that employees from the Police and Security Sector endure in the form of Occupational Hazards. We used several team building exercises and trust exercises’ to warm up the session. The entire program was primarily activity based.

The delegates learned skills on the recognition of work stressors and learnt valuable tips on keeping work stressors in check.

These were also instructed on Relaxation techniques and various handouts and Standardized Tests were used to access the delegates stress levels and responses.

This Training Program was a grand success. We look forward to having a long association with the Kolkata Police hence forth.

Facilitator: Michelle Manuel

External Events


Stress Management

The level of stress is comparable as per the individuals’ affinity towards taking stress. Even slightest affair can give a stress to people . There are no universal situations to define which can give what level of stress to individuals . The mind set at times always help a person and his environment to go by managing his stress level , it also depends on how self analyzing factors are there and how far or to what extent the person is available to adapt new situations and stop taking irrelevant stress out of it rather there the solution can be to turn off the critical stressful situation , take a break for some time and then get back to the same in a proper way.

Facilitator: Sangita Sarkar

The various organizational stressors that lead towards heightening stress and stress reactions were discussed. The subjective nature of stress was discussed in context of the unique combination of Psychological, Behavioral and Physiological stress reaction that any individual experiences. The participants assessed their own dominant pattern of stress reactions and their level of stress – gaining an insight into the various consequences of the same.

Facilitator: Pompi Banerjee

The Delegates were instructed in effective methods of Stress Management. A demonstration on Relaxation Training was conducted at the workshop. This session was well received and taught the participants how to put into practice various skills they learnt on stress management.

Facilitator: Michelle Manuel

External Events


Caring Minds conducted a three day ‘Stress Management’ workshop for the CISF (armed forces para military) at its Kolkata headquarters.

There were 50 participants chosen from various departments as well as regions to attend this workshop. The platform that was provided to the CISF personnel facilitated sharing of information and grievances as well as providing social support amongst various levels of officers.

The three day workshop was broken up into different parts each addressing a vital and comprehensive sub topic under stress management facilitated by our clinical psychologists, Tanaya Chatterjee, Shuvabrata Poddar, Pompi Banerjee and Michelle Manuel as well as our HR trainer Sangeeta Sarkar. It was supervised by Preeyam Budhia, Head of Training and Development and co facilitated by Unnati Singhania, intern.

We greatly appreciated the group of officers and their openness to experience, candour and lack of rigidity in thinking. This workshop was a grand success due to their willingness to receive all the information and give their view point on the topics discussed freely and frankly. The workshop was a highly interactive session, consisting of role plays, mimicry and spoofs demonstrated by the enthusiastic participants. The use of audio visual media as well as creative ice breakers and practical activities enhanced its effectiveness. On the whole it was a fun filled learning experience for both the participants as well as the ALCM team. The success can be clearly measured in the feedback from the participants:

“It would be helpful in my practical life.” – U.K. Mandal

“It helped in changing my perspective of stress.” – AbhishekhYadav

Overall, the experience at CISF was truly a trainer’s delight. We look forward to a long lasting and meaningful relationship with this organization.

External Events


School atmosphere is differently experienced by different individuals. As we are growing up, it is imperative that we are aware of our strengths and weaknesses while choosing the field we want to pursue. Therefore, a career counseling session is much of a help. The session gives a holistic approach from, intelligence, intellect, aptitude, personality and interest areas. It reiterates the fact that “no career is a wrong one”. Imagine how ease achieving dreams would be if we know our interests and strengths already. Also working on our weaknesses thus making us a more competent individual. It furthermore transforms as you grow in a position with evolution in responsibilities and tackling new situations. Career counseling in such arenas help in building capabilities and leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that with our independence in doing a task, each task for us becomes a relatively easier, thereby bringing satisfaction and contentment in our chosen profession.

A thorough career counseling session was conducted with students of the eminent school, Sri Sri Academy. The principal very enthusiastically assisted the Caring Minds counselors to conduct a session for parents to help them understand the importance of career counseling for their children and the process of the same. Following which the psychological tests were administered on the group of class VIII children and individual reports were generated. Possible career choices were mentioned with the intelligence level, interest areas, personality etc.

External Events


On the 15th of September, Caring Minds observed WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION WEEK.

A Flash Mob took the stage in a few of the eminent malls of the city such as Forum Mall, City Centre and South City International. Our congress was joined by Celebrities who graced us with their presence and participation in the awareness campaign. (Football star P.K Banerjee, Eminent Painter, Wasim Kapoor and Actor Chaiti Ghoshal) The purpose of this Flash Mob was to bring people together to prevent suicide and to convey the message that we care. One need not suffer in silence. There is help out there.

External Events


On Saturday, 28th June Caring Minds conducted a workshop on basic Sports Psychology at The Tollygunge Club, under Protouch Sports, for children (golfers) between the ages of 7 and 15. We covered the important skills required to improve their performance in golf including having a good attitude, being motivated, having short term and long term goals, being focused, practicing mental imagery and inspiring them to give it their best ‘shot.’ The workshop was highly interactive and the modalities like games, worksheets, videos were used to reinforce the concepts covered.

External Events


Workshop on “Taming Tantrums” with Teachers of Busy Ants and Advanced Progressive Montessori

On 10th May, 2014 team Caring Minds got to host a highly interactive workshop with the enthusiastic and energetic teachers of Busy Ants and Advanced Progressive Montessori. The teachers of the two Montessori schools handle children between the age groups of 2.5 years to 6 years.

During the activity filled workshop the different reasons behind children’s tantrums were explored and strategies to handle them were discussed with behavioural examples from the real life examples of the participants.